Having a stroke has urged me to look more into ways to rehab and research different ways to get healthy and stay healthy even more.
In my teens and twenties, I smoked (2 packs of Marlboro per day??‍♀️) had multiple unnecessary vaccinations. As a family, we had the first flu jabs; my Dad wanted to prove to his unwilling employees that when his kids went first, they could not refuse. I understood his reasoning; as an entrepreneur -who was all about productivity of his company; orange on the levels of consciousness of Spiral Dynamics- I remember the commotion when my little brother fainted ?and collapsed.
It made the employees even more reluctant?. Brother went on to faint anytime he had an injection or saw blood; he studied to become a doctor and we were all quite relieved when he chose a different path-. Food wasn’t nutritious, just filling, my mother’s own Mum died when she was just 16 and she could not boil an egg at that time. Just after the Second World War was not the time to think about nutrition and/or gourmet food; surviving and rebuilding was the priority. I was sick a lot as a child, I had many operations during my teens and had it not for my Dad having lung cancer and dying when I just 26, I might have continued along that path. He was only 54, a heavy smoker, drinker and gourmand; he loved quality food with lots of great wine, bourbon whiskey, cognacs and more. He did not  exercise at all, although he did joke that he walked to work. The business was through an interconnecting door from our home, all of a 20 m./15 secs.  walk. I remember that as kids, we sat him down and pleaded for him to stop smoking. He jokingly replied that ‘weeds don’t perish’; we replied that he wasn’t a weed…he was touched by our concern  but kept smoking.
He was the first entrepreneur I witnessed having huge pain from the pressures of his business; unable to work less, to see different options, to take time to enjoy the fruits of his labours and in the end he paid for it with his life.

The above story of my Dad, along with my own health story have forced me to look for and find different ways. For the last 35 years I went on my own quest to find the life and business hacks that created the module of health and well-being for the clients who want to thrive rather than survive.

The path of the Conscious entrepreneur can be vibrant. Choose well,
