Ancient Traditional Chinese Feng Shui cleansing and blessing ritual
Adapted over decades and works extremely well
– Promotes healing on the property and for those who live there to clear stagnant energies in their health, prosperity, career, family etc.
– Clears negative energies in the overall environment and lifts and invites positive ones.
The cleansing/blessing takes 1 hour
and involves:
– I prepare before the session with meditation and focused healing on the property and people who live there (I need the address and birthdates of up to 4 people for this).
– For all people who live in the house, I clear stagnant energies in their health, prosperity, career, family, luck areas remotely or onsite.
– I prepare a little temporary altar onsite or remotely with intention on your property and those who live there using sacred, ancient, blessed items that I use for the clearing.
– I use specific chosen aromas, healing frequency sounds, colours, crystals, holy water,essential oils and elements for specific purposes that you and your family need.
– I use ancient, sacred mantras that have been utilised for many centuries to clear negative energies
Cost: $450

I am Dutch, Chinese and live in Bali
She is a Conscious Leadership Trainer with expertise in fields varying from Quatum medicine, Pranic Healing, fire-eating/-walking, wrote three best selling Relationship books, in her 40’s was a two time Ironman finisher and competed in World Championships Duathlon.
The amalgamation of skills and tools, helps her drill down into each group and individual’s collective and personal goals to understand what their ‘why’ in life and business is.